The Donga river basin forests are located on the slopes and at the foot of the Mambilla Plateau, south-west of Gashaka-Gumti National Park.
The area is lowland forest beside the Donga river, south of Buru village and about 10 km from the border with Cameroon.
The terrain is hilly and rocky and houses over 190 bird species, Dominant tree species include Brachystegia sp, Khaya grandifoliola, Erythrophleum guineensis, Tetrapleura tetraptera, Pterygota macrocarpa, Cleistopholis patens and Garcinia kola.
Amongst the many species of lianas present are Entada pursaetha, Laccosperma opacum and Piper guineense. Rainfall is heavy and persistent due to the influence of the neighboring Mambilla Plateau and the Cameroon mountains.
Donga river basin forests include Baissa, Amboi and Bissaula River Forest Reserves as well as some areas of unprotected forests near the villages of Akwabe and Akoforo.
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