Borderless Dev Hub: The beginning of new episode in African tech space

Crypto Smart partners with Comsotech to begin the Borderless Dev Hub cipher developers’ program.

Blockchain technology has become wider than it was when bitcoin was launched in 2009.

The still developing technology is even wider than what it was 10years ago. It is now shaping different aspects of human life.

In the beginning, blockchain technology was expected to change the nature of finance and payment systems but apart from facilitating borderless payment, blockchain technology is changing the narrative including the internet.

There was nothing like web3 before, but driven by decentralization, there is a need to be in control of our data while using the internet.

Decentralized finance is another notable influence of blockchain technology which makes the transfer of wealth decentralized.

Blockchain technology is not only shaping the global economy, it is changing the nature of work and how people think.

With these changes comes a requirement for new skill sets which are in high demand due to the increasing application of blockchain technology in different field,

Who needs blockchain skills and expertise?

The request for blockchain skills and expertise is now beyond individuals and founders. It is now a global request ranging from industries, startups, tech firms including governments.

Industries such as banking industry, real estate, insurance companies, law offices are looking for blockchain expertise to help facilitate transition and involvement in blockchain technology.

As the technology becomes widespread, startups that require blockchain skills and expertise to fully attain its potential are being developed.

Tech firms are also not behind in the search for blockchain expertise as they are affected by the transition from centralization to decentralized systems.

Governments are not left behind in the search for blockchain experts. A good example is the Intellectual property right to be developed by Nigeria using the blockchain infrastructures.

Other African countries are at the forefront in the search for blockchain experts to advise them on how to take advantage of the technology.

Careers opportunities in blockchain

Apart from the traditional careers such as law, accounting, managers, public relations and other managerial careers which are required in blockchain technology, there is a need for specialty.

Careers in blockchain technology include blockchain developers, blockchain solution architect, blockchain quality engineers.

Not only that, product managers, UI/UX designers, legal consultants among others are possible careers in blockchain.

Apart from the knowledge in any field, there is a need for basic knowledge of blockchain which makes it a bit difficult for some professionals.

Newbies in blockchain technology are also looking for ways to fit into the developing technology.

Introducing Borderless Dev Hub

Borderless Dev Hub is a quarterly and biannual developers’ cipher program by Comsotech and Crypto Smart aimed at teaching Africans for free.

Crypto Smart, on its own, has been teaching its community members about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency through its Let’s Talk Sessions organized by the educational team.

Borderless Dev Hub seeks to make this possible by offering free Blockchain education to Africans to become tech developers in the blockchain and general IT space.

Available courses in Borderless Dev Hub

According to Primidac, CTO, Crypto Smart, “Borderless Dev Hub offers everything in blockchain technology

For clarity purpose, few of the courses are;

  • Front end development
  • Back end development
  • Full stack development
  • Data processing
  • Cybersecurity
  • UI/UX design
  • Web development
  • Cloud computing
  • Product Management, among others.


As much as the aim of Crypto Smart and Comsotech is to equip Africans with the required tech skills, there are requirements to be satisfied.

Applicants must be passionate about technology in general and also passionate about blockchain technology and they must have basic computer knowledge. Other requirements are;

  • Laptop
  • Enthusiasm
  • Notebook
  • Desire to impact blockchain technology

How can I apply for Borderless Dev Hub?

To apply for Borderless Dev Hub;

  • Visit
  • Fill the application form

PS: Applicants can also send mail to

Blockchain technology in Africa is taking a different shape and there is a need to match this with the required blockchain expertise.

About Crypto Smart

Crypto Smart is a B2B Crypto Asset Management company founded in January 2021 by Karla Obakpolor, a blockchain business developer and Algorand ambassador in 2020.

Crypto Smart offers fast and secure services which are based on a well encrypted system with 24/7 customer support services. Cryptosmart has grown from offering its services to individuals to companies and major enterprises as well as providing crypto education through various crypto courses. 

Crypto Smart upscaled to the Algorand blockchain and offer blockchain products which includes SmartChange, a crosschain P2P marketplace, Bitsave Protocol, a SaveFi protocol that combines savings with DeFi. 

About Comsotech

Comsotech is a tech company founded by Prince Michael Dalafi, aka Primidac, that builds software solutions for businesses and organizations.

Due to his love for tech and humanity, Primidac has trained individuals in tech and he hopes to use his tech skill to innovate Africa and the world at large. 

He has an intentional mission and ensures that anything he is given to handle is brought to the smart side, boosting productivity and growth using the power of tech.

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