Parents are furious at the £32,650-a-year ‘American School in London’ for teaching their children there are ‘64 genders’ and standing by its ‘woke agenda’ despite a damming Ofsted report.

Ofsted, the school watchdog, downgraded the private day school from ‘outstanding’ to ‘requires improvement’, saying there were ‘failures’ in education and leadership after it placed more weight on teaching ‘social justice’ than on learning ‘subject-specific knowledge and skills.

Interim head at ASL Sacha McVean defended the school to parents saying its programs had the backing of schools leaders and the watchdog’s inspection was ‘unusual’.

Over 100 parents, who signed a letter to Ms McVean, were shocked that the private school is standing by its ‘woke’ agenda in light of the ‘devastating rebuke’ according to the Times.

Meanwhile, some pupils told Ofsted their views were ‘suppressed’ in lessons

Because of this, the school failed a number of Independent School Standards, which ban the ‘promotion of partisan political views and demand ‘respect for those with other beliefs. 

One parent told the Times: ‘The tone of the school’s email was not well received at all. It came across as defiant and unapologetic.

‘Parents were shocked to see that the school was standing by its programs.’

There are also allegations from parents that pupils were taught the Olympic transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard should compete in female competitions in PE classes and there were 64 genders in health classes.

Inspectors visited the previously outstanding-rated school in December after parents complained pupils were being ‘indoctrinated’.

Families said non-white pupils had been recruited to ‘discriminatory’ affinity groups for after-school clubs and children were taught about ‘white fragility’.

In middle school, pupils were having to focus on ‘social issues’ rather than ‘skills’ in subjects such as English.

The report concluded that a significant number of parents and pupils told inspectors that a culture has developed where alternative opinions are not felt welcome.’


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