The 1983 National CASOR Conference was unique in so many ways. (CASOR means Christ Ambassadors Students Outreach. It is the ministry of Assemblies of God, Church to Nigerian students).
I remember the CASOR 1983 conference with childlike nostalgia and accuracy. It was by far the largest attended National Conference of CASOR back then.
First it was billed for the newly built Rivers State University of Science and Technology.
We had spent the first night at RUST before the Government asked us to relocate to Government College, Emoha.
Speakers ranged from the legendary Dr Uma Ukpai to Barr Emeka Nwankpa (Apostle unto the Nations), Rev Dr Ezeigbo (the new General Superintendent) and a celebrated Physicist of the University. All were amazing and really shaped my world view going forward.
But by far the most transformative night was the night of individual performances. I was nomitated to perform a spoken word presentation that brought the roof down. It was my first time on a national stage. So many other performances brought the roof down too until the delegation from Bendel State presented a young student to sing a ‘Special number…’
“Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King”.
His father was a deacon of Assemblies of God and his great Uncle had just retired as our GS. So we weren’t suprised.
The Spirit of God came down. The anointing flowed freely. Just by that song. I knew that a great revival was going to spring out of that conference. It really did. We all took the fire home.
That young student, from Bendel State eventually grew bigger than all of us, building upon the foundation of Christ and the apostles.
Truly he set his eyes on the King and the King set His eyes on him.
Against several odds, he went on to build what you see today from the scratch – his own transformative University movement and a church that is in every continent of the world; a grass root mobilization of Nigerian youth and an international Media ministry that is second to none.
I know you have read so much about him, and Dr Benny Hinn as well as the legendary Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Yes indeed he has reached the uttermost parts and is still moving.
That same ‘singer’ in him has impacted many other Gospel singers at international levels – Ada Ehi, Frank Edwards, Buchi, Assent Tweed,
Eben, T Sharp, Eli J, Viva, Femi raph, Chris shalom, Ore odunsi, Victor Ike, Kelly Lyon, Ikiri Lawrence, Joe praise, Samsong, jahdiel, Sophiya, Peejay, Kebee, Isreal Strong, plus the legendary Sinach and many others too numerous to mention.
Think about every church helping all her gifted ones to stardom instead of quenching the fire, sometimes too early. This is what this Pastor does. It comes to him naturally to bless dreams and make them come true.
For me in particular, Africa has to pause and rethink its attitude towards this living legend.
For instance at the time COVID-19 came up and Canal France Int television aired an interview of scientists proposing to go run a guinea pig vaccine experiment on Africans back in April 2020; at a time Bill and Melinda Gates were screaming that Dead bodies will be collected in Body bags in Africa; at a time when there are no more nationalist movements on ground, at a time African governments had capitulated to the dictates of Globalist actors, one man stood up to the lies of Globalists exposing them every inch of the way.
This one voice spoke up for Africa.
He could not be shouted down.
Today those “body bags” are still alive to the shame of the Gates. Those who predicted our deaths are the ones dying.
Africa has never seen this level of dissent against organized international vice. Expectedly the black man must stand against his brother, and they did it well on Social Media.
I am not surprised about how some people are treating him, because it happened to Lumumba, Nkuruma, Azikiwe and Mualimu Nyerere. Africa can never uphold its God given sons. When you see the national conspiracy to bring him down it’s not only because of tribal and denominational hate, it’s largely that there is something fundamentally wrong with black people, this skin color is something else.
I am not a member of Christ Embassy Church but I join millions across the world to thank the Lord for the life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and to plead that the Holy Spirit will forever stay with him.
Happy birthday Pastor Chris.