An expert mission from the World Health Organization (WHO) investigating the origins of the coronavirus pandemic in China says it has yet to identify the animal source and it is unlikely to have leaked from a Chinese lab.

A report that many say should not come as a surprise to watchers who have come to see the WHO as a body that is acclaimed to be consistently inconsistent in recent times when it come to news about the coronavirus.

We recall last year when the World Health Organization declared a global public-health emergency last year, it praised China’s “extraordinary” efforts to combat the coronavirus epidemic urging other nations not to restrict travel.

A false advisory which saw an avoidable catastrophe spiral into a pandemic;Former US  President Donald Trump and other critics have accused WHO of assisting China in efforts to suppress information on the coronavirus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year.

a week after the US announced plans to freeze $400 million in payments to WHO and eventually withdraw financial support because of the body’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak China seized the opportunity to become the coveted bride and provider by pumping in millions of dollars.

It ineptitude is also cited in some statements it has made concerning the spread of the virus that it has had to clarify or correct such as:

Masks do not prevent the spread of the virus; asymptomatic people cannot spread the virus and the virus isn’t airborne.

Global health experts have expressed concern over the WHO becoming increasingly reliant and earmarked contributions its budget just over $5.6 billion in 2019, is less than the budget of a mega hospital in the US.

More than three-quarters of the WHO funds are specified voluntary contributions earmarked for specific programs like polio eradication or TB, leaving the organisation with no flexibility in spending.

Hence, the agency has struggled for funds for adequate response to health challenges like the Ebola outbreak and now the coronavirus.

So it is hard not to see the outcome of the investigation into the source of the virus being inconclusive as a case of the piper dictating the tune.

Japan’s deputy prime minister and finance minister, Taro Aso, also referred to WHO as the “Chinese Health Organization,” referencing its close ties to Beijing.

Liang Wannian, head of the expert Covid-19 panel at China’s National Health Commission, said ongoing research into the origins of the virus must focus on how it circulated in animals before infecting humans.

With the WHO credibility in doubt it would be wise for nations to double up on ensuring that they remain the final gate keepers on health advisories coming from the global body not to fall victim of nations who wield enough power to use it as a tool for manipulation or infiltration.


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