Laguna Colorada, also known as Red Lagoon, is a shallow salt lake that is located in the Eduardo Avaroa Andean Fauna National Reserve, in the Sur Lípez Province of the Potosí Department, within the southwestern part of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
Located at an altitude of about 1,219 meters (4,000 feet) above the sea in the Altiplano of Bolivia, this lake has a surface area of about 60 sq km (23 sq mi), with 11 km (7 mi) maximum length and 10 km (6 mi) maximum width.
Still, this mesmerizing place is quite the unusual one as it is dotted with white borax islands that give an impressive landscape view, and due to the variety of algae which thrive in the salt water in addition to the red sediments, the color is blood red, thus the name Red Lagoon.
Furthermore, the water is rich with plankton which allows for some birds to come and feast here, and most particular ones are the endangered James’s flamingos that are abound in the area, nonetheless, Andean and Chilean flamingos can be seen too, but in minor quantity.
One of the really interesting facts is that the feathers of the flamingos are actually white, however, they look pink because the algae in the water stains their feathers.
This jaw-dropping sight is definitely enriched with the “take-off” of the flamingos because as they are heavy, they have to get up to a speed like a plane on a runway in order to start flying.
Still, there are also pumas, Andean foxes and cats, domesticated llamas and alpacas, as well as reptiles, amphibians and fish that are amazingly thriving in the area.
Due to the importance Laguna Colorada has, in June 1990 it was also included on the Ramsar Wetland list, confirming that this magnificent pearl of Bolivia should be carefully monitored in order to protect it for the fauna to be able to continue thriving here.
All in all, a definite gem that should not be missed whenever in the small state of South America, as it allows everyone to feel like they are on another planet.
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