The coastal town of Badagry, traditionally known as Gbagle, is situated between the city of Lagos, and the border with Benin Republic at Seme. It was cut out of Nigeria in 1863 and eventually added to the state of Lagos as part of Nigeria by the United Kingdom in 1901.
Being the second largest town in south-west Lagos State, Badagry is surrounded by lakes, creeks and islands, which makes beaches and resorts one of the major attractions of the ancient town.
Christianity Was First Preached In Badagry As It Was The Town Where Christian Mission Workers Came To And Practiced Their Work.
The First Two-Storey Building Was Also Built In Marina, Badagry In 1845.
Today on beautiful Nigeria, we’ll take a look at tourist attraction, Suntan Beach.
A hidden jewel in Badagry with beautiful palm trees and huts, Suntan Beach is one of the less talked about but magnificent beaches in Lagos. The quietness takes you to a whole new level and opens your mind to the world.
The beach also have horses for a short ride up and down the beach, children rides are also available.
Visitors need not worry about safety here, this is one of the safest places to be. Visitors are advised against daring the sea by moving too deep into the sea.
Also, try out your hands in fishing, you just might be blessed to catch a few. Enjoy Horse riding and get entertained by the locals with historical tales. Visitors are advised to go with a camera as this is a good site to take lovely pictures.
On Suntan Beach Locals are willing to tell tales and make sure you have a good time. The best time to visit Suntan Beach is during the weekend when there is a flurry of activities taking place on the beach.