Nigeria is a country that has definitely gone through a lot of trying times as a nation. This is as the country has had to contend with several economic and security challenges, ranging from the popular Biafran Civil war that lasted from 1967 to 1970, to the 2002 security conflicts that broke out in the north eastern region, giving birth to the popular Boko Haram group, which has given birth to other splinter groups, and is now identified with full-scale terrorism, that the Federal Government is supposedly doing everything possible to contain.

Boko Haram as is generally known, is an Islamist jihadist organisation based in north eastern Nigeria, which is also active in Chad, Niger, northern Cameroon, and Mali. In 2016, the group split, resulting in the emergence of a hostile faction known as the Islamic State’s West Africa Province. It is also noted that though it was founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2002, the group was led by Abubakar Shekau from 2009 until his death in 2021.

The question then is, is the Nigerian Government sincere in her intention to provide a stable security environment that will positively influence the right socio-economic atmosphere that can guarantee a better political system across the nation? This is as one is constantly bugged with an unending stream of unwanted information bothering on what has taken place in different parts of the nation, as a result of the slackness of either a government policy or an implementation process, or a weak response from the citizens to the government, because of their general disenchantment with the negatively inclined systems and structures of the country.

With this system that does not seem to hold any hope or regard for the average Nigerian citizen, the question then is, what will be the motivation to celebrate a country’s independence when the present-day form of government and those manning power are giving the people more concerns and worries than is generally required? More Nigerians are withdrawing from government matters and opinions because the few that have gotten involved in one form of advocacy, activism or the other, have not gotten any respite for their actions.

If there are still a lot of unanswered questions to the current Nigerian national challenges, then the general mindset is that there is no solution in sight. It is also a pointer to the fact that the citizens are generally lamenting the Tinubu’s government, that even the least novice in political matters is aware of the fact that “Tinubu’s Government” has hiked prices or contributed to the high rate of inflation in the land. Every tomato seller alludes to the hike in prices to the Tinubu’s Government even when the hike may have been as a result of his or her own selfish motives. This is why hiking prices when there should not have been any form of increase in price of any kind, is not explainable.

As Nigeria marks her 64th independence anniversary in 2024, it should be an occasion for most Nigerians to reflect, review and meditate on actions that can lead to the improvement or otherwise of the nation, and to think in the direction of what more can be done to inspire hope in one another, in the midst of general hopelessness in the country. It may not be “automatic in achieving this joy and sense of national fulfilment, what matters most is striving towards being ‘patriotic’ in order to achieve the needed sense of responsibility both as the leaders and the led.

It is pertinent to note at this point, that there must be a way forward for the nation. No matter what has transpired in the past, Nigerians must keep hope alive. This is the only way she can achieve the level of stability that can guarantee the required level of progress and advancement as a nation. God bless Nigeria.

Blossom chukwu is a Journalist, story teller and media practitioner.


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