What was meant to be a peaceful protest in the city of Bristol on Sunday quickly escalated into violent attacks against the police.

The gathering was to protest the new “Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill” which will increase the power of police officers in protest situations. however, this is just a part of it. The bill includes major government proposals on crime and justice across England and Wales.

Eye witnesses say that even though thousands of protesters gathered contrary to previous police warning, the protest started out peacefully and without chaos until a small group turned it “into a violent disorder”.

Demonstrators began scaling police stations and throwing fireworks into the crowd from the roof top.

Riot police in full protective gear formed a barricade in front of the station, but the officers were said to not have engaged the protesters at all

According to the Avon and Somerset police force, two police vehicles were set ablaze with one police officer suffering a broken arm and another from broken ribs.

“Thuggery and disorder by a minority will never be tolerated,” said Home Secretary Priti Patel as she described the events as unacceptable. “Our police officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect us all.”

Previously, the powers of the police in protest situations were limited to imposing specific measures on the routes of marches and such details are typically thrashed out with the organizers weeks in advance in the case of major matches.

Also, they generally have to show that a protest may result in “serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community” if they want to place any form of restrictions on a protest.

With this new bill however,police can impose a start and finish time, can set noise limits and apply these rules to a demonstration by just one person. it will also be considered a crime if protesters fail to follow rules that police expect them to know where as police previously had to prove that the protesters where well aware of the rules and chose to break them.


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