She said the perpetrators are not sparing even the young girls and warned that those arrested will also face child abuse charges.
The officer said that her office had information on those who have circumcised their girls and investigations were ongoing to make sure they are arrested and charged.
She said some administrators could be collaborating with the criminals engaging in the outdated cultural practice.
During this year’s Mashujaa Day celebrations, Ms Opwora said 311 teenage girls had also been impregnated in the county during the pandemic period.
Many people are practicing FGM secretly, avoiding the ceremony that traditionally involved songs and drinking local brew.
Some residents of Kathngacini in Tharaka North sub-county who spoke to correspondents said more than 30 girls and five married women had been circumcised in the last few months in the area.
The residents who sought anonymity for fear of victimisation said the circumciser comes from Gatunga area, noting that some of those circumcised in the early months of Covid-19 have already been married off.
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