In Niger, at least 30 people died in a terrorist attack near Banibangou, in the Tillabéry region, in the west of the country. According to security sources, villagers were attacked on Monday.
The armed men allegedly carried out their attack on two axes, two roads which connect Banibangou to Chinagoder on the one hand and to Darey-Dey on the other. The victims are villagers returning from the weekly market in Banibangou, near the border with Mali. It is a large livestock market, important for the economy of the region.

According to sources on the spot, vehicles in which the villagers were traveling were stopped by the armed men who allegedly shot the passengers inside, before setting them on fire.

This is not the first time that this part of Tillabéry has experienced a major murderous attack. In December 2020, the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara group attacked the Chinagoder military base, killing nearly a hundred soldiers. A year later, civilians – a hundred as well – were massacred in the attack on the villages of Tomabangou and Zaroumdareye.

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