1693 1st women’s magazine “Ladies’ Mercury” published in London, England.

1900 In London, the Trades Union Congress and the Independent Labour Party (formed in 1893) meet, results in a Labour Representative Committee and eventually the modern Labour Party in 1906

1940 Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discover carbon-14 (radiocarbon dating) at the University of California Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California.

1950 General Chiang Kai-shek elected president of Nationalist China.

1957 Mao’s famous speech to the Supreme State Conference “On Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People” expounding Maoist ideals.

2012 Wikileaks begins disclosing 5 million emails from private intelligence company Stratfor.

Historical Events Today
Today in Film & TV
1968 CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite delivers a scathing editorial on America’s chances of winning the Vietnam War.

Today in Music
1814 Ludwig van Beethoven’s 8th Symphony in F premieres

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1827 1st Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans

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