Once Upon A Time – June 28 – 1846 – Saxophone Is Patented By Antoine-Joseph “Adolfe” Sax

1389 Ottomans defeat Serbian army in the bloody Battle of Kosovo, opening the way for the Ottoman conquest of Southeastern Europe. Large losses on both sides including Sultan Murad and Serbian leader Prince Lazar. (NS date)

1519 King Carlos I elected Holy Roman Catholic Emperor Charles V

Coronation of Queen Victoria in Westminster Abbey by Sir George HayterCoronation of Queen Victoria

1838 Coronation of Queen Victoria in Westminster Abbey, London

1919 Treaty of Versailles, ending WWI and establishing the League of Nations, is signed in France

2021 Tigray Defense Forces retake Tigray’s regional capital of Mekelle in Ethiopia’s Tigray War. The Ethiopian government declares a unilateral ceasefire to save face but neither side sticks to it.

Historical Events Today Events in 2023

Today in Film & TV

1951 “Amos ‘n’ Andy” premieres on CBS TV

Today in Music

1928 Louis Armstrong makes 78 recording of “West End Blues”

Today in Sport

1958 US Open Women’s Golf, Forest Lake CC: Mickey Wright wins 1st of 4 Open titles by 5 from Louise Suggs; 1st player to win Open & LPGA in same year

1846 Saxophone is patented by Antoine-Joseph “Adolfe” Sax


1820 Tomato is proven to be non-poisonous by Colonel Robert Gibbon eating a tomato on steps of courthouse in Salem, New Jersey

1971 The inventor of a new word game just could not think what to call it. Then a bright friend came up with the name – no points for guessing – Scrabble


1919 33rd US President Harry Truman (35) weds Elizabeth Truman (34) in Independence

1930 Film director David Lean (22) weds his first cousin Isabel Lean

1934 Novelist Kenneth Patchen (22) weds Miriam Patchen in nearby Sharon, Pennsylvania

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