Prince Harry And Meghan Markle have announced their first Netflix series “Heart Of Invictus”, a docu-series that reveals “the human stories and resilient spirit behind the Invictus Games.”
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on Tuesday, April 6, announced they have teamed up with Oscar-winning filmmakers Orlando Von Einsiedel and Joanna Natesegara to create Archewell’s first-ever Netflix series. Together, the group will tell the stories of the athletes competing in the 2022 Invictus Games, an international adaptive multi-sport event in which wounded, injured or sick armed services personnel and their associated veterans take part in nine sports on behalf of their country.
Prince Harry, in a statement, said, “Since the very first Invictus Games back in 2014, we knew that each competitor would contribute in their own exceptional way to a mosaic of resilience, determination, and resolve. This series will give communities around the world a window into the moving and uplifting stories of these competitors on their path to the Netherlands next year..”
“As Archewell Productions’ first series with Netflix, in partnership with the Invictus Games Foundation,” he continued, “I couldn’t be more excited for the journey ahead or prouder of the Invictus community for continuously inspiring global healing, human potential and continued service.”
Harry will appear in the show and will serve as executive producer on the series.
The first Invictus Games took place in September 2014 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, United Kingdom. The 2020 games were scheduled to be held in The Hague, Netherlands in May 2020, but were postponed to 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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