The matriarch of the famous Baldwin family, Carol Baldwin, died at 92, and her son, Stephen Baldwin, said he will see her again, as he had the honour of baptizing her.
According to her eldest son, Alec Baldwin, Carol Baldwin died in Syracuse, New York, this month. Her youngest son, Stephen Baldwin, took to social media with a post dedicated to his mother. He, however, spoke of Carol’s spiritual impact and shared an intimate moment he and his wife, Kenya, shared with his late mom.
“August 4th, 2014, this was the day I knew for sure I would never have to worry about my mom again,” the Baldwin son said on social media.
The post showed a photo of Carol Baldwin emerging from the water in Skaneateles Lake in 2014 after asking Baldwin and his wife to baptize her.
“When my mom made this request, I told my wife, ‘No worries we’ll do it on our next trip.’ But Kenya said, ‘No my love we will baptize her tomorrow,” he explained.
Baldwin said “thank God” for his wife’s encouragement and his mother’s willingness to be baptized.
In Christianity, baptism is seen as an act of identifying Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, memorializing the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It’s an ordinance “immediately instituted by Christ himself in Matt. 28:19, 20, and designed to be observed in the Church till He come.”
“Thank God for the bold and courageous women in my life,” Baldwin shared.
His gratitude went “most of all to my mom who in our friendship we didn’t have to say much as we are similar in our desire to love and serve others.”
Baldwin added, “Thanks mom I might not have found Jesus without your loving example of humility, grace and unconditional love!!! I’m grateful to God that I will see you again.”
“The Least of These” actor ended his post by asking his mother to “say hi” to his aunt Louise and father.
Alec Baldwin’s obituary on social media noted that along with her six children, Carol Baldwin and her late husband, Alexander Rae Baldwin Jr., had 25 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.