852 Caliph Ja’far al Mutawakkil executes Constantine, King of Georgia, because he refuses to embrace Islam. The Turks hang his body from a high pillar to intimidate other Christian believers.
1619 René Descartes has the dream that inspires his “Meditations on First Philosophy”
1674 Dutch formally cede New Netherlands (New York) to the English
1885 German engineer Gottlieb Daimler unveils the world’s first motorcycle

1907 – More Than A Translator, Mok Chi Lai Blazed For Christ
1918 Western Union Cable Office in North Sydney, Nova Scotia receives a top-secret coded message from Europe stating on November 11, 1918 all fighting would cease on land, sea and in the air
1989 Germans begin demolishing the Berlin Wall
Today’s Historical Events
Today In Film & Tv
1969 “Sesame Street” premieres on PBS TV
2010 Alan Menken, famous Disney composer, receives the 2,442nd star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
Today In Sport
1991 South Africa’s 1st cricket international since 1970 – one-day v India
Do You Know This Fact About Today? Did You Know?
1871 Henry Morton Stanley encounters David Livingstone at Ujiji, near Lake Tanganyika in Central Africa, with the immortal words ‘Dr Livingstone, I presume?’
Would You Believe This Fact About Today? Would You Believe?
1940 Walt Disney begins serving as an informer for the Los Angeles office of the FBI; his job is to report back information on Hollywood subversives.