Two Years Reasonable For Gabon’s Return To Civilian Rule – PM

The transitional Prime Minister in Gabon says a two-year deadline for the free elections promised by the military that overthrew President Ali Bongo was a reasonable objective.

Raymond Ndong Sima, a civilian appointed Prime Minister by the military last Thursday, elaborated by stating it was a good idea to start with a reasonable objective with hopes to see the process completed in 24 months, and return to elections.

Ndong Sima who was previously a leading opposition figure to ousted president Ali Bongo, was appointed head of the transitional government by General Oligui Nguema.

On August 30, the army overthrew Ali Bongo Ondimba, who had been in power for 14 years, moments after he was proclaimed re-elected in an election deemed fraudulent by the military and the opposition.

General Brice Oligui Nguema, proclaimed President of the transition, immediately promised to return power to civilians through elections at the end of a period which he did not announce.

On Saturday, Ndong Sima announced the composition of his government, appointed by General Oligui and comprising former ministers of the deposed president, members of the former opposition and civil society figures previously hostile to Mr. Bongo and his family, who had ruled the country for over 55 years.

The transitional charter put in place by the military prohibits members of the provisional government, including Ndong Sima, from standing in the forthcoming elections, but does not explicitly exclude General Oligui from running for the presidency.

General Oligui has also promised a new constitution, to be adopted by referendum, and a new electoral code, with the participation of all the living forces of the Nation.


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