Pope Francis, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, offered his congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden during a morning call recently.
According to a statement from the Biden-Harris transition team, the pair discussed some policy areas in which Biden is likely to break from President Trump.
It raises the question being asked by those from faith based organizations and pro-life activists alike that should the Pope be congratulating the Biden camp knowing what it stands for when it comes to issues of religious liberty and abortion?
Considering the fact that the church or faith based organisations and pro-life movements have enjoyed more support from the Trump administration which has defunded pro-abortion movements and maintained that Government has no business in Gods business, one would have thought that the Pope would be the last to celebrate a Biden victory.
Recent reports on Pope Francis support for gay unions outside the church (whatever that means) have seem to have given more affirmation to the suggestion by watchers that the Pope has become more liberal to accommodate liberal interests as opposed to what scripture upholds.
The Pope’s past and present utterances rather that diffuse the controversies have become a source of heated debate about the Vatican gradually moving from a spiritual leadership to a political one or are we the ones late to come to that reality and have Catholics been living in denial that they are a mixed multitude?
The president-elect in his correspondence to the Pontiff expressed his desire to work together on the basis of a shared belief in the dignity and equality of all humankind.
Francis has been outspoken on these issues and has repeatedly called on global leaders to take more action to confront them. I’m wondering where in scripture climate change take precedence over the spread of the gospel? This is a good that gives the commission in the book of Genesis to man to multiply and subdue the earth.
Biden will be the second Catholic president in U.S. history, following John F. Kennedy yet we wonder how Biden will be favorable to the faith. In a recent video put together by Fox exposing Biden’s many gaffs instead of God he says America is one nation under a thing.
Regardless deep media and fake news making the rounds call Senator Biden deeply devout person of faith, I you believ that you’ll believe anything!
In the final week of the presidential campaign, for example, Biden quoted an anti-populism passage from the pope’s most recent encyclical, that should be a giant leap for religion.
Holy Scripture posits that a man cannot serve two masters, either he serves one and despises the other. Can the Pope be a political and spiritual leader at the same time? I guess it depends on whose agenda you are pushing.