Hello there, so I’m trying so hard to not make this post sound like a warning. I want it to be more like an eye-opener, showing you how you may have been sleeping on the benefits of wearing your sunscreen daily and how it is going to save your skin.
The truth is, this post is both a warning and a call to action because the fact remains that most people are not aware of how important sunscreen really is. How it works and why is it so important to wear sunscreen even if it’s cloudy or raining.
Sunscreen is one of the skincare products that are essential for every person regardless of age or gender. You must protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

The beauty industry does not stress enough the importance of wearing sunscreen daily, so most people are still a little confused about how sunscreen works, what SPF means, what kind of sunscreen is best for them and how often they should apply it.
So let’s get into some basic knowledge first. I mentioned how you must protect your skin from harmful UV rays of the sun, so here are some explanations on what UV rays are.

UVB: UVBs are these short high energy wavelengths that actually hit upon the most surface level of the skin which is the dermis. When your dermis is irritated, you get redness which appears to be sunburn. This is what causes ageing, freckles, and hyperpigmentation.
UVA: UVAs penetrate even further into your skin than UVB rays and affects the DNA (cellular levels of your skin). So when your skin is irritated by UVA rays, it causes wrinkling of the skin, and also makes your skin look darker and saggy.

So in summary, UVA has a more long term damaging effect on your skin. Since you can’t help being exposed to these harmful rays, you can however protect your skin by applying Sunscreen whether chemical or physical.
Chemical sunscreens are those that contain chemicals. For example, Oxybenzone. Physical sunscreen contains natural ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Both have been fortified to protect the skin from sunburn and hyper pigmentation.
Now you may ask: When should I apply sunscreen?
It should be applied 15 to 20 minutes before you step out. Whether it’s a rainy or a cloudy day, you must not skip sunscreen.

You may also want to know what sunscreen is right for your skin:
A broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays and has SPF 30 or higher is considered the best for your skin.
So here are 5 ways Sunscreen would save you:
1. Protect your skin from UV rays
When you apply sunscreen, it makes a layer over your skin that protects your skin from the UV rays. The UVA and the UVB rays penetrate through the three layers of your skin: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. These rays can cause sunburn, wrinkles, dark spots, and pigmentations. Applying sunscreen will protect your skin from sun damage.
2. Decrease the risk of skin cancer
Overexposure to sunlight can increase the risk of skin cancer. The ultraviolet radiation from the sun, when it penetrates through your skin layers affects the skin cells and can cause skin cancer.
Studies have shown that a person with a fair skin tone is more likely to get skin cancer than a person with a dark skin tone because of the less melanin in the fair skin which protects the skin from sun damage. Applying sunscreen can reduce the risk of skin cancer.
3. Prevent the increase in melanin production in your skin
When you don’t apply sunscreen, the UV rays directly hit the deeper layer of your skin and activates the melanocytes. The melanocytes then produce melanin to protect your skin. The increase in melanin makes your skin tone dark and cause freckles and dark spots on your skin.
4. Prevent uneven skin tone
Exposure to the sun can cause discoloration and dark spots on your skin. It also causes tanning, clogged pores, and dark patches. Sunscreen prevents your skin from hyper pigmentation and prevents uneven skin tone.
5. Prevents premature sign of aging
The UVA rays penetrate deeply into the hypodermis that causes premature signs of ageing. It causes fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, and other ageing signs. Applying sunscreen provides a layer over your skin that protects your skin from UVA rays and slows down the signs of ageing on your skin.
Other simple ways to protect your skin include:
Less exposure to sunlight protects your skin from sun damage. Wearing a cloth that covers your body to prevent exposure to sunlight and using a shawl, hat and umbrella to cover your face and skin when exposed to the sun prevents skin tanning and sunburn.

In essence, you must not step out without wearing sunscreen. Always wear sunscreen no matter how the weather is. You can protect your skin from sunburn and the risk of skin cancer by following this simple rule.
Applying sunscreen is a must in your skincare routine and if you won’t protect your skin, you might as well not spend money buying other skincare products.