Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) scamdemic is over, the World Health Organization (WHO) is busy plotting its next tyrannical scheme in the form of another round of lockdowns, this time to stop “climate change.”
Newly proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) and the so-called Pandemic Treaty both incorporate what is known as the “One Health” approach. The One Health scheme will grant the WHO absolute “power” to initiate “climate lockdowns” at such a time that “global warming” is determined to be too much of a threat to ignore.
“While vague and confusing, the language of the One Health scam is a tool to create networks and combine efforts toward centralizing power and control, which is always the goal of all masters everywhere,” reported Mac Slavo in the Discern Report.
“Once that central power has been achieved then similar measures that were imposed in response to the COVID plandemic can be used for climate change, loss of biodiversity, human diseases, vector-borne diseases, and much more.”
The next global lockdown will be the lockdown of all lockdowns
The next round of lockdowns to be overseen by the WHO will be much worse than the covid lockdowns. WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will be able to wield unrestrained authoritarian tyranny on everyone all around the globe, forcing people to stay inside and “stay safe” indefinitely.
With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), the powers that be will be able to maintain an all-seeing eye on everyone at all times – you didn’t really think those AI brain implants were actually about “saving lives” like Elon Musk claims, did you?
Bill Gates and his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the biggest funders of the WHO, driving the organization’s tyrannical policies. Billy Boy just cannot wait until the next fake “pandemic” is launched, plunging the entire world right back into hell – a much worse hell than covid, by the way.
Also read: EU Authorizes Bill Gates To Help Them “Block Out the Sun” To Help Combat Climate Change
Covid was just the test run for what the WHO is planning for next time. The World Economic Forum (WEF), run by Klaus Schwab, is also involved with spearheading the scheme, which the Daily Exposé describes as follows:
“WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ will not only be concerned with pandemics. It introduces globally the ‘One Health’ ideology. The concept recognizes the interdependence of human and animal health and the connection with the environment.
Through this One Health agenda, WHO will have the power to make decisions in matters relating to the environment (including greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and deforestation), animal health (e.g., livestock), and human health (including vaccinations, social determinants, and population movement). With these extended powers, WHO could readily declare a climate or environmental emergency and enforce lockdowns.”
The excuse for all this tyranny is that it must happen in order to provide a “ray of hope for addressing our global challenges.” In other words, the planet will die, we are told, unless all humans besides the “elite” are locked down and subjected to genocide.
In order to address the 14 “global challenges” that the WHO has identified – these include food, water, safety, security, soil health, and “comparative biology” – the powers that be must seize control over everything, including not just “people” but also “animals,” plants, waterways, and entire ecosystems.
To stop this nightmare from coming to fruition, a critical mass of humanity would have to first realize what is happening and agree to systematically resist. This includes the “enforcers,” i.e., law enforcement, coming to the realization that they are working on behalf of evil, prompting them to switch sides and fight for humanity instead.