Love to hate him regardless – Donald Trump has been a unique president for a lot of reasons, but one in particular: he has been a dream come true for the church by protecting religious liberty.
Anyone who’s hating on trump for unfriendly immigration laws and trying to repeal Obamacare hoping that former Vice President Joe Biden will usher in an Eldorado of friendly policies needs to think again.
What Biden is cooking up will make Hillary Clinton, who ran on the most extreme platform of any candidate in history, look like a Sunday School teacher if any of his planned policies is anything to go by.
Most conservatives don’t want to think about a Biden presidency—let alone what it would mean for our country. But as the clock ticks on and the election drags out, we can’t ignore what might be around the corner if the former vice president takes the reins.
for every God-fearing, freedom-loving American in the country CNS News’ Terry Jeffrey points out, it’s a terrifying list:
· The very first, Jeffrey explained on “Washington Watch” on Wednesday, is to codify Roe v. Wade—making it impossible for states to limit or ban abortion for any reason. “Joe Biden wants a federal law that makes abortion nationwide a quote-unquote ‘right.’ Which I say is evil.”
And, to add to that evil, he wants to force every American to pay for it.
· Biden wants to end the Hyde Amendment. In other words, every federal spending bill could be used in some way to fund abortion. Jeffrey said the pro-life Hyde Amendment, which has stood in the way of that radical free-for-all for more than 40 years, would be gone.
· Biden would reinstate the Obamacare mandate, demanding that every business and nonprofit cover abortion-causing pills and contraception in their health plans.
· Biden says that on Day One, “he’s going to force public schools and colleges to treat biological males as if they’re females. He literally says they’re going to have to let transgenders pick their own gender identity … So literally, Joe Biden will order public schools to say that anatomical males can play on the girls sports teams, use the girls’ shower rooms, and use the girls’ restrooms. Completely outrageous, absolutely evil.”
· Last but certainly not least, the Obama vice president says he would order insurance companies to cover gender-reassignment surgeries—not only for adults, but young, impressionable children. Similar to [the] Hobby Lobby case, he’d make family-owned businesses provide that “treatment,” which is actually mutilation.
Some of these things, of course, he can’t do without Congress’ help. And that’s where you and I come in—encouraging our senators and congressmen to stand firm.
For now, though, Christians, pro-lifers, and anyone who cares about freedom needs to brace themselves for these significant moments—and be prepared to fight back.