The white house has announced that they’ve recently had to let five former staffers go due to their past history with marijuana while trying to balance federal laws and white house hiring guidelines with the legalization of the plant in many states.
In a tweet released by white house press secretary Jen Psaki, she said “We announced a few weeks ago that the White House had worked with the security service to update the policies to ensure that past marijuana use wouldn’t automatically disqualify staff from serving in the White House,”

She confirmed that the Five staffers, (who had worked in the white house prior to this policy)that were no longer in the employ of the white house had lost their jobs to the policy which was supposed to ensure that their jobs would be secure.
People familiar with the situation have confirmed that dozens of White House staffers had been asked to resign, been suspended, asked or placed in a remote work program because of past marijuana use. The extent/severity of their usage or whether or not it was used as a measuring yard for their current situation remains unknown.
After what was described as “intensive consultation with security officials” and the personnel security division, a decision was reached to waive a requirement for potential appointees in the Executive Office of the President to be eligible for top-secret clearance only on a case-by-case-basis.
Officials directly involved have said that a waiver would only be granted to those who had used marijuana on a “limited” basis and who are in positions that do not ultimately require a security clearance.
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