Once Upon A Time – April 25 – 1990 – Hubble Space Telescope Is Placed Into Orbit By Space Shuttle Discovery

1660 English Convention Parliament meets and votes to restore Charles II

1792 Guillotine first used in France, executes highwayman Nicolas Pelletier

1846 Thornton Affair: Open conflict begins over the disputed border of Texas, triggering the Mexican–American War

1945 “Elbe Day” – US and Soviet forces meet at Torgau, Germany on the Elbe River during the invasion of Germany in WWII

1953 Francis Crick and James Watson’s discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA is published in “Nature” magazine

1954 Bell labs announces the 1st Solar Battery made from silicon. It has about 6% efficiency.

1990 Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by space shuttle Discovery

Historical Events Today

Today In Film & Tv

1964 11th National Film Awards (India): “Shehar Aur Sapna” wins the Golden Lotus

Today In Music

1926 Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Turandot” premieres in Milan

Today In Sport

1950 Chuck Cooper becomes the 1st African American to be drafted into the NBA (for Boston Celtics)

Do You Know This Fact About Today?

1507 German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller is the first to use the name America on his world map “Universalis Cosmographia”

Would You Believe This Fact About Today?

1960 1st submerged circumnavigation of Earth completed by USS submarine Triton in 60 days, 21 hours


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