1534 Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent occupies Baghdad.
1563 Council of Trent holds its last session, after 18 years. Last ecumenical council for more than 300 years.
1619 38 colonists from Berkeley Parish, England disembark in Virginia and give thanks to God. Considered by many the first Thanksgiving in the Americas.
1791 Britain’s Observer, oldest Sunday newspaper in the world, first published.
1829 Britain outlaws “suttee” in India (widow burning herself to death on her husband’s funeral pyre).
1918 US President Woodrow Wilson sails for Versailles Peace Conference in France.
1964 Medical missionary Dr. Paul Carlson appears on the cover of Time magazine. He had become a symbol for events in the Congo when he was seized by Simba rebels who executed him.
1972 President Idi Amin ousts fifty missionaries from Uganda, charging that they have connections with Israel and South Africa.
Today’s Historical Events
Today in Film & TV
1933 Jack Kirkland’s play “Tobacco Road” premieres in NYC, became the longest-running play of its time.
Today in Music
1927 Duke Ellington opens at the Cotton Club in Harlem.
Today in Sport
1943 Commissioner Landis announces any baseball club may sign Negroes.
Do you know this fact about today? Did You Know?
1952 Killer fogs begin in London, England; the term “Smog” is coined.
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1961 Museum of Modern Art hangs Matisse’s Le Bateau upside down for 47 days.