161 Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius dies and is succeeded by co-Emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, an unprecedented political arrangement in the Roman Empire
1530 English King Henry VIII’s divorce request is denied by the Pope
1876 Alexander Graham Bell receives a patent for the telephone in the US
1912 Roald Amundsen announces his discovery of the South Pole (located 14 December 1911)
1936 Adolf Hitler breaks the Treaty of Versailles by sending troops into the Rhineland
Historical Events Today Events in 2023
Today in Film & TV
1975 “Mirror”, Russian film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, starring Margarita Terekhova and Ignat Daniltsev, is released
Today in Music
1917 1st jazz record released on a 78 by Original Dixieland Jass Band for the Victor Talking Machine Company (“Dixie Jazz Band One Step,” one side “Livery Stable Blues” other)
Today in Sport
2009 Despite only being 17 years old, Brazilian soccer star Neymar makes his professional debut for Santos
More Facts…
321 Roman Emperor Constantine I decrees that the dies Solis Invicti (sun-day) is the day of rest in the Empire
1908 Cincinnati Mayor Mark Breith stands before city council and announces that, “women are not physically fit to operate automobiles”
Famous Weddings
1940 Comedian Oliver Hardy (48) marries film assistant Virginia Lucille Jones (30)
2007 Former vocalist of “Babado Novo” Claudia Leitte (26) weds Marcio Pedreira at Hotel Convento do Carmo in Salvador, Brazil