Travel Chaos: UK’s Liz Truss Accuses French Authorities For Shortage Of staff To Man Borders

The UK’s foreign secretary on Saturday blamed France for the travel chaos faced by many travelers and holidaymakers at the Port of Dover in southeast England.

Liz Truss accused French authorities of not sending enough officials to man border posts and rejected French claims that Brexit was the cause of the chaos.

“The fact is that the French authorities have not put enough people on the border and I am in touch with the French authorities, I am very clear that we need to see action from them to resolve the terrible situation that people are facing,” Truss said in an interview.

When asked if the chaos faced at the port is a result of post-Brexit border checks, the foreign secretary said the current situation is the result of a lack of resources.

“This is a situation that is being caused by a lack of resources at the border and that is what the French authorities need to address and that is what I am being very clear about,” Truss added.

French authorities have rejected claims by the British government that it is at fault for the delays and logjams, arguing instead that Brexit and the erection of border checks are the cause for delays and obstruction.

The UK’s official union for borders, the ISU, said Brexit had resulted in stringent checks at the country’s borders.


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